"I practise Wu 54 Style Tai Chi
It is also known as:
Tai Chi Chuan, also known as Taijiquan, is a Chinese exercise that combines martial arts, traditional cultural beliefs, and Chinese healing arts. It's a low-impact, slow-motion exercise that's known for its graceful movements.
Tai Chi Chuan is considered one of the most effective mind and body exercises in the world. It can help with:
- Strength: Improves upper- and lower-body strength
- Flexibility: Improves upper- and lower-body flexibility
- Balance: Improves balance and reduces falls
- Aerobic conditioning: Can provide some aerobic benefits depending on the speed and size of the movements

The BCCMA holds the British Chinese martial arts competition annually.
So the Tai Chi section was around 40 competitors all performing a variety of different Tai chi disciplines.
I have to complete my 54 defensive fight moves in under 6 minutes and we are all marked out of 10, losing percentage points for any slightest imperfection in intent, single weighted Ness, style etc.

It is exacting, nerve racking, humbling experience, which ultimately takes you outside your comfort zone, on a scale, when performing in front of 9 judges, competitors, cameras and audience.
So I was delighted to get my Bronze medal with my best score yet!"
- Roger Saul (founder)