Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What information do we collect?

We collect data from you when you register on our site or place an order with us (whether as a guest or from a personally created account).

You can visit our site anonymously at any time.

What do we use your information for?

We may use your information in the following ways:

  • To personalise your shopping experience by responding to your individual requirements.
  • To improve our service to you by evaluating feedback and information from you.
  • To enhance our customer service and technical support.
  • To process transactions (your information, both public and private, will not be shared, sold, exchanged, or given to any third-party company for any reason without your consent, except for delivering the intended product or service you requested).
  • To send periodic emails, including email marketing (you can unsubscribe through the link at the bottom of the email).
  • To administer a promotion, event, or our customer database.
  • To assist you in completing your purchase if there is an issue.

How long do we hold your data?

  • Personal data relating to transactions is anonymised after seven years, and your account will be removed after seven years of inactivity.
  • Personal data used for marketing purposes will be retained until you opt out.

How do we protect and safeguard your personal information?

We have various security measures in place to protect your personal information, including:

  • Electronic safeguards such as encryption.
  • Physical safeguards and security.

Card payments are encrypted by our secure third-party payment provider. We do not store any payment information.

Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Withdrawing your consent

If you would like to withdraw your consent, please contact us directly. Once you notify us of your request, we will respond as soon as possible. Wherever possible, we will anonymise all records relating to you and your account, including all transactions and communications.

Who has access to your data?

Access to your personal data is restricted at all times. Only our employees or trusted agents have access, limited to the purposes outlined above. These parties include:

  • Us (we have direct access to your data).
  • Our web designers, Iconography Ltd, acting as Data Processors, hosting our website and ensuring its correct function.

Changes to our privacy policy

If we update our privacy policy, we will reflect those changes on this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us.

Unsolicited Email Policy

Message recipient policy

Before customers can receive email messages, advertising, or promotions, they must have agreed to receive such messages by either purchasing from us or opting into our mailing lists. Any recipient may request to be removed from our list at any time, and we will comply. We will investigate any allegations regarding unsolicited messages.

Policy against advertising our website using unsolicited email messages

We require that all emails promoting our business or its products are sent only to customers who have agreed to receive such messages. We prohibit any advertising of our brand and website using unsolicited email messages. If you believe you have received unsolicited emails promoting our brand or website, please contact us using our contact page. We will investigate all related allegations immediately.

Your email address is safe with us:

  • We never sell or share your email addresses with other companies.
  • You can unsubscribe at any time.
  • Each email message sent includes an easy way for subscribers to remove themselves via an unsubscribe link.
  • If you feel you've received unsolicited email and want to register a complaint, please contact us using our contact page.

Definition of Spam

Spam is unsolicited email sent in bulk. Any promotion, information, or solicitation sent via email without prior consent, where there is no pre-existing relationship between the sender and the recipient, is spam.


We provide online services that are easy to use, useful, and reliable, which can involve placing small amounts of information on your device, known as cookies. Cookies cannot identify you personally.

Our Cookies

  • PHPSESSID: Randomly generated number (expires when user exits browser).
  • style: Stores user's preference for viewing products in a list or a grid (expires in 1 year).
  • key: Randomly generated number to remember the user for their next visit (expires in 4 weeks).
  • bkey: Randomly generated number to remember basket contents for the customer's next visit (expires in 4 weeks).
  • recent: Stores recently viewed products for display on the customer's next visit (expires in 4 weeks).
  • facebookLike: Stores whether the customer has "liked" the website on Facebook (expires in 4 weeks).
  • allowAllCookies: Stores the user's preference for allowing all Cookies on this Website (expires in 1 year).

Google Analytics Cookies

  • _utma: Randomly generated number (expires in 2 years).
  • _utmb: Randomly generated number (expires in 30 minutes).
  • _utmc: Randomly generated number (expires when user exits browser).
  • _utmv: Randomly generated number (expires in 2 years).
  • _utmz: Randomly generated number and information about how the page was reached (expires in 6 months).

For further details on the cookies set by Google Analytics, see the link below.

Add-This Cookie

  • _atuvc: Numeric content (e.g., 8|21) that helps you share content through social networks (expires in 2 years).

Social networking websites Social networking websites may place cookies on your computer. You should read their respective privacy policies to find out what happens to any data these services collect when you use them.

More about Cookies For more information about how to manage your cookies, visit